Join us for our various events, activities, and meetings.
Forums: events with candidates or other speakers often begin with a social hour, opening remarks and announcements from the board president, presentation by a speaker, then question-and-answer time. Forum attire: business casual; suit and tie; many attendees wear slacks with a button down shirt.
Social: events such as happy hour, game night, and pool parties are typically more relaxed occasions to celebrate the accomplishments of the chapter, have fun, and enjoy being together as a community. Social attire: varies depending on the event or activity; designer jeans; dressy casual; collared shirt.
Special events, such as our Pool Party and Christmas Party, have higher ticket prices.
Members of LCROC receive discounted rates and priority.
Ensure you receive LCROC emails. Please add the following email addresses to your Safe Senders List or Whitelist:
RSVP here for our Adventure Day at Crystal Cove.